Empowering you to reconnect with your original health matrix in your body.
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Adida Shahab  Method

Integrate Self-Care to A Happier You

Intro Cranio SelfCare4Health Workshop

          • Discover simple steps to help yourself feel safe in your environment.
          • Have the ability to focus and achieve success in life
          • Have the courage and confidence socializing with peers, family and friends.

Everybody has the power to reduce the impact of stress as it is happening in that moment.

Learn simple steps to spot stressors and stay in control when the pressure builds.

Cranio Self-Care techniques give you a powerful tool for staying clear-headed and in control in the middle of stressful situations.

You will have the confidence to face challenges, knowing that you have the ability to rapidly bring yourself back into balance.

Signs and symptoms of stress overload

The following table lists some of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress. The more signs and symptoms you notice in yourself, the closer you may be to stress overload.


                                                     Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms                                       

Cognitive Symptoms

Emotional Symptoms

§  Memory problems

§  Inability to concentrate

§  Poor judgment

§  Seeing only the negative

§  Anxious or racing thoughts

§  Constant worrying

§  Moodiness

§  Irritability or short temper

§  Agitation, inability to relax

§  Feeling overwhelmed

§  Sense of loneliness and isolation

§  Depression or general unhappiness

Physical Symptoms

Behavioral Symptoms

§  Aches and pains

§  Diarrhea or constipation

§  Nausea, dizziness

§  Chest pain, rapid heartbeat

§  Loss of sex drive

§  Frequent colds

§  Eating more or less

§  Sleeping too much or too little

§  Isolating yourself from others

§  Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities

§  Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax

§  Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

If the answer is YES to any of the above, you are ready to master Cranio Self-Care to help yourself be resourced and get back on the track of health.


In this workshop you will:

Find out how you can take control of your health, you child's health and strengthen their natural self-healing potential yourself through SelfCare4Health.

Potentially help yourself and help your child be more focus, calm and heal trauma.

Learn the secrets to SelfCare4Health, more energy health and abundance.

Imagine being in a room filled with like-minded people learning techniques and skills to integrate health and wellness into their lives, a room full of energy whilst learning the forgotten secrets to lasting health and wellness.

4 Simple Steps
Easy to learn and implement
No manipulation
No pressure nor poking
No drugs
No needles

Scientific research called this neuroplasticity and so you can generate the qualities and capabilities you desire, both internally and externally.

Your brain can develop new pathways which allows you to:

1. CONNECT with your breathing to help your nervous system out of fight/flight mode
ACQUIRE awareness of your sensory perception to calm yourself and relax

3. RESTORE a state of balance of your central nervous system so that you become potentially more resilient to stress, so that you remain calm and focus during crisis.

4. ENHANCE your naturally ability to health and wellness

Here is your opportunity to learn SelfCare4Health.  This course is taken by many individuals who wish to connect with health and resources in their body system.  This enables their central nervous system to self-regulate and come to a state of balance. 

As you probably know, any imbalance in the development and performance of your brain and spinal cord or an imbalance or restriction in it could potentially cause a number of sensory, motor or neurological dysfunctions and physical pain.



“Each of us has innate capacity for healing, to heal ourselves, to heal others and to help others heal themselves” – Subagh Singh Khalsa

Sometimes we need a little bit of help allow the body to heal itself and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy could do that for you.

Clients that benefit most from my programme are those who are:
  1. Tired of feeling stuck and frustrated but open to trying something different;
  2. Ready to do what it takes to create the change/relief they are seeking;
  3. Excited about change, self-development and self-growth
  4. Understand the importance of health and wellbeing; and
  5. Ready to invest in themselves knowing the benefits they reap will out do their investments.
Some benefits my clients experience are feeling:
  1. Free from the burden of chronic aches and pain;
  2. Stronger and energized
  3. Happier and in a more positive mood;
  4. More at peace with yourself and have clarity in thoughts and staying focused.
  5. A sense of awareness and understanding and taking charge of their life.
  6. A new sense of confidence and courage towards life.

SelfCare4Health is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the Cranio system — the physiological body system comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

This Therapy enhances the body’s natural healing processes to improve the operation of the central nervous system, dissipate the negative effects of stress, enhance health and strengthen resistance to disease. 

Feel free to call Adida Shahab at 97426791 for a 15 mins free consultation by phone or you can send her an email at adidacst@yahoo.com.sg for more details.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and subtle whole body approach that releases tensions deep in the Central Nervous System so that every other systems in our body can relax and self correct, free itself of pain and other health issues.

"Each of us has an innate capacity for healing, to heal ourselves, to heal others and to help others heal themselves" - Subagh Singh Khalsa 
Sometimes we need a little bit of help and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy could be just that.
To book a session please call Adida at 97426791.  Thank you.
 Keen on getting your life back on track and wanting to live a more healthier and energetic life, 
please call us at 97426791 for a 15 minutes free consultation by phone.