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Diet is important.  When my husband was diagnosed with lymphoma in September 2016 I started him on a diet.  I am not a nutritionist.  So I contacted a friend and she introduced me to one.  

I followed more or less these strategies to restore good gut health and function:
Doterra DigestZen TerraZyme Digestive Enzyme Complex.  It is a blend of whole-food enzymes and supporting cofactors that help strengthen the body's production of enzymes which is important in the process of healthy digestion of food nutrients and cellular metabolism of nutrients to energy.
  1. Needless to say I do my best to remove sugary, processed foods from our diet. If I do not buy any, there is none in the house.  I loaded the fridge and pantry with real, whole, fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, eggs, and clean meats (no antibiotics).  
  2. My nutritionist recommended an anti-inflammatory diet. I use herbs especially turmeric in his juices.  When we cook food we use lots of tumeric, tumeric in  our fish and chicken when we grill them.  Kiasu me, also loaded him with doTERRA xEO Mega Essential Oil Omega Complex, which is a unique formula of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®essential oils and a proprietary blend of marine and land-sourced omega fatty acids.
  3. We try to eat fermented foods. I include plenty of probiotic-rich foods like nyonya acar, sauerkraut and yogurt. These are all foods help your gut flora to balance and stay healthy.
  4. My husband has now regain strength and has resume walking and swimming.  I engaged a Feldenkraise practitioner, Sa Chien to work on him regain more awareness of his body as well as flexibility and mobility.
  5. He is also getting regular craniosacral therapy from me to help regulate his central nervous system to a state of balance and homeostasis.  
  6. Please feel free to contact me if you need my help.
  7. Click here to find out more about jucing for health 
    >Juicing helps my husband recover from Lymphoma
    Complementing with essential oil.  They are so potent and safe to use for those with health issues   Click here to find out more.  https://www.mydoterra.com/adidashahab/#/
  8. >Essential Oils Potentially Help My Husband Recover From Lymphoma
  9.  http://drhyman.com/blog/2015/04/17/powerful-strategies-to-eliminate-ibs-other-gut-issues/


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and subtle whole body approach that releases tensions deep in the Central Nervous System so that every other systems in our body can relax and self correct, free itself of pain and other health issues.

"Each of us has an innate capacity for healing, to heal ourselves, to heal others and to help others heal themselves" - Subagh Singh Khalsa 
Sometimes we need a little bit of help and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy could be just that.
To book a session please call Adida at 97426791.  Thank you.
 Keen on getting your life back on track and wanting to live a more healthier and energetic life, 
please call us at 97426791 for a 15 minutes free consultation by phone.