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 Craniosacral Therapy and  Traumatic Brain Injury                                   Monday, 19 August 2013


 I would like to share with you my experience in treating a 30 year old man, who suffered TBI (traumatic brain injury) when he was 15 years old.  In that accident he suffered broken bones in many places in his left leg, pelvis, collar bone and suffered a concussion and was in a coma for several days.  After the accident he lost his sense of smell and taste and his doctor had told him that he will never recover his sense of smell and taste.   This man came to me for sports massage for a shoulder injury and did not inform me of his lost of smell and taste.  At that time I was just learning biodynamic craniosacral.


Craniosacral and Traumatic Brain Injury                                                 Monday, 19 August 2013

I would like to share with you my experience in treating a 30 year old man, who suffered TBI (traumatic brain injury) when he was 15 years old in a motorbike accident. In that accident he suffered broken bones in many places in his left leg, pelvis, collar bone and suffered a concussion and was in a coma for several days.  After the accident he lost his sense of smell and taste and his doctor had told him that he will never recover his sense of smell and taste.   This man came to me for sports massage for a shoulder injury and did not inform me of his lost of smell and taste.  At that time I was just learning biodynamic craniosacral.therapy and after each massage session I would do a 15 minutes craniosacral therapy on him on a regular weekly basis.  When I graduated in 2002 I began giving him full 1hr sessions of craniosacral.  He became a long term client of mine

One fine day, after about 4 years of coming to me for craniosacral,  he said: “Adida, I love coming to your clinic and enjoying the smell of essential oils in your clinic.


Yes, me too.  I love essential oils.  He saw the nonchalant look on my face and said further: “Oh, I did not tell you this when I first came to see you.  Did you remember me telling you about my motorbike accident when I first saw you, that I had a concussion and was in a coma for several days?  Well, upon waking up I discovered I lost my sense of smell and taste and my doctor had told me that I would never get it back.  Over the years I did not enjoy eating, just eating for the sake of keeping me alive.  If I had known then about craniosacral I would not have suffered all these years.  Now the smell of garbage excites me!  I am beginning to taste salt, sourness and sweetness.  Not that strong, but after each craniosacral treatment, it came in waves and much stronger.”

This young man has since returned to San Francisco, married his girlfriend, and they now have a son



Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and subtle whole body approach that releases tensions deep in the Central Nervous System so that every other systems in our body can relax and self correct, free itself of pain and other health issues.

"Each of us has an innate capacity for healing, to heal ourselves, to heal others and to help others heal themselves" - Subagh Singh Khalsa 
Sometimes we need a little bit of help and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy could be just that.
To book a session please call Adida at 97426791.  Thank you.
 Keen on getting your life back on track and wanting to live a more healthier and energetic life, 
please call us at 97426791 for a 15 minutes free consultation by phone.